Greeting the sun

NFM, Musica Electronica Nova
Przemysław Scheller
Greeting the sun
Kup bilety

Is the silence just before sunrise still to be found? What sounds and noises greet the sun with us?

The space’s centerpieces are ambisonic soundscape recordings made in several locations in the wilderness. Sunrise is the perfect time for capturing unique sensations, as it’s time for nature to awaken, especially birds, whose singing at that time differs from what is known in other parts of the day.
Unfortunately, making the recordings highlighted the problem of anthropological sound pollution. Greeting the Sun shows the importance of educating about acoustic ecology and strengthening awareness of the need for silence in human and natural life.
Carefully selected and combined recordings are an invitation to stop and contemplate. You may find solace, sleep, sadness, or anger – here or within.

2024 © Przemysław Scheller